Ever since I was young, I have had bad sleeping habits. I would often stay awake far later than my bedtime, usually reading a book under the covers and using the light from my Gameboy to do so. Yes, I had a Gameboy, and I used it to read books instead of playing the...
Anyone who follow us on twitter @themusicks or reads this blog knows that Chad and I are both disabled. Recently on twitter I saw a conversation about the difference between being disabled and being chronically ill. As a psychologist, for me disability means that it impairs your daily functions and there are chronic illnesses...
More about PhD stress for Kisstopher, Chad starting a new job, academic publishing, and some details about Chad’s academic work. Transcript K: So, lately I’ve been thinking about dealing with the stress of my PhD and PhD feedback. C: I have not been thinking about my PhD. K: (laughs) I think you have been...
When I date, one of my most common date plans (once I’m close with the person) is to do something cool, then invite them to my house to eat dinner. My first invitation is always with me planning to cook for the girl. Usually, this leads to them offering to help me cook whatever...
Every year from November until about the end of January, I reflect and contemplate what I would like to accomplish in the next year, how I did on last year’s goals, where I am at in my three year plan, and where I am at in my five year plan. Upon reflection, last year...
Stress management, especially around academic work, differences between expectations of PhD students in Japan and the US, and the culture of academia and stress. Transcript K: So lately I’ve been thinking about stress management and my PhD and how bad I suck at it. C: What could have brought that on? K: (laughs) So,...
At the end of November, I started at a new job. For the least 6 years, since I finished a postdoc, I’ve been working only peripherally to my degree. That’s been harder than I wanted to admit. It often felt like having my “nose pressed against the glass.” I love to write, but I...
Some of you may know, but many of you probably don’t, that I graduated college when I was 16. I skipped junior high and high school, and I entered into my bachelor’s program at the age of 12. I studied online while living here in Japan. Graduating early gave me quite a few opportunities...
I think I may have written about this before. I know we have covered it in the podcast, but today I have a new twist on things. I am an atheist, which is no surprise to anyone who listens to the podcast or follows us on twitter. In the United States, I celebrated Christmas...
All about our Christmas-in-Japan experience, with talk of our Christmas-in-the-US past. Transcript K: So, lately I’ve been thinking a lot about Christmas and, specifically, our family’s relationship with Christmas. And also my evolution into how American I am versus how Japanese I am. C: So you’re not thinking about my evolution from Chad into...