Puzzle Maker: Appleone (Japan) Title: Repair Garage (note that we couldn’t find this for sale outside Japan) Pieces: 1000 Cut: Grid cut Relative difficulty: * Overall quality: **** Review: There’s not a lot to say about this that we haven’t said about Appleone puzzles before. We’ve done enough that now we know where the...
Puzzle Maker: Tenyo (Japan) Title: (no official title given) Micky Mouse Directing Pieces: 1000 Cut: Grid cut Relative difficulty: *** Overall quality: **** Link to purchase: Amazon Japan (note: Some of the stained-glass type seem to get imported, but we couldn’t find this one outside Japan) Review: Tenyo is one of the biggest puzzle-makers...
Puzzle Maker: Ingooood (China) Title: Owl family Pieces: 1000 Cut: Grid cut Relative difficulty: * Overall quality: * Link to purchase: https://www.amazon.com/Ingooood-Jigsaw-puzzle-2018-family-1000-Graduation-Decompression/dp/B07B7HJR34(the US store is out of stock on this, but we don’t recommend it anyway) Review: At first we were really excited about this puzzle. Visually, it’s gorgeous. And all wood! And then...
Puzzle Maker: Appleone (Japan) Title: Dayton’s Repair Garage (note that we couldn’t find this for sale outside Japan) Pieces: 1000 Cut: Grid cut Relative difficulty: * Overall quality: **** Link to purchase: https://www.amazon.co.jp/アップルワン-APPLEONE-1000-769-1000ピース-デイトンさんのリペアガレージ(50x75cm)/dp/B0107NDFM4/ (note: Appleone import puzzles at US Amazon can run more than a hundred dollars for what should be a much cheaper...
Puzzle Maker: Tenyo (Japan) Title: All Stars Stained Glass (DS-1000-764) Pieces: 1000 Cut: Grid cut Relative difficulty: ** Moderate–separating by scene is sometimes tricky because of repeated colors Overall quality: **** Link to Purchase: https://www.amazon.com/Disney-Stained-Jigsaw-Puzzle-DS-1000-764/dp/B005SL896I/ Review: Tenyo puzzles are a tactile pleasure, though they’re somewhat more expensive outside of Japan. This puzzle is the...