Now that we have reflected on what mini goals we have and the benefits they provide to the here and now, it is the perfect time to break down our goal into short-, medium-, and long-term goals. Every long-term goal should have a clear beginning (short term), middle (medium term) and end (goal achievement)....
Building on last week, we are going to explore why we want to achieve the goals we set. Let’s bring forward the questions of last week and really explore our answers. Let’s start by considering: What will our goal give us in the here and now while we are working to achieve it? Goals...
Puzzle Maker: Tenyo (Japan) Title: (no official title given) Micky Mouse Directing Pieces: 1000 Cut: Grid cut Relative difficulty: *** Overall quality: **** Link to purchase: Amazon Japan (note: Some of the stained-glass type seem to get imported, but we couldn’t find this one outside Japan) Review: Tenyo is one of the biggest puzzle-makers...
January is the perfect time to reflect on goal setting. Setting a goal is very different than making a New Year’s resolution. Resolutions are often created out of what we think we are “supposed” to accomplish. Successful goal setting is not about what we “should” do or what we are “supposed” to do but...
News year’s resolutions are a custom that many use to make self-improvement goals. This time of year brings goal-setting into mind, but goal-setting can be tricky. Knowing what goals to set and how to go about achieving them can be challenging. One of the biggest challenges is setting realistic goals that are truly meaningful....
CN: Child Abuse.
Who doesn’t dream at night of dosing her son with ipecac and then, when he goes to vomit, just... shutting the lid? (A true story about my mother)
With the season of giving in full swing, it is easy to forget about ourselves and become over-extended. That is what makes this week the perfect week for a home spa day (or a spa day out). A spa day is about pampering yourself in whatever way speaks to you. Some people like to...