Puzzle Maker: Ingooood (China)
Title: Owl family
Pieces: 1000
Cut: Grid cut
Relative difficulty: *
Overall quality: *
Link to purchase: https://www.amazon.com/Ingooood-Jigsaw-puzzle-2018-family-1000-Graduation-Decompression/dp/B07B7HJR34(the US store is out of stock on this, but we don’t recommend it anyway)
At first we were really excited about this puzzle. Visually, it’s gorgeous. And all wood! And then we started it.
The first thing we noticed was the poor quality of the wood. Even light pressure (to put a piece in) resulted in a couple of pieces breaking in half. There were lots of splinters.
The pieces came in a mesh bag rather than plastic. All of the pieces were there, but in two other puzzles from this company some pieces were missing.
If the pieces were better quality, this could be a good “starter” puzzle for children. All of the pieces are the “standard” shape with two inlets and two outlets alternating, and the backs of the pieces are labeled with the general region (A-H, for 8 regions), which can make sorting easy if you use those.
Having had pieces missing from a couple other puzzles by this company (we order in batches), we can’t recommend this company to anyone. These puzzles go by other brand names as well, and we gave away one we unwittingly purchased.