Hunger and I long, two fast companions, ...
As an American, I have a strong affinity for driving. In the U.S., we owned 3 cars for 2 drivers. In Japan, we do not own a car. In Japan, I ride my bike most places or take public transportation. In the U.S., the plan was that our son would take driver’s education and...
Probably there is some writer out there who has no doubts about their ability to write great novels, stories, poetry, and any other form. They always know that the rejection is just the agent or editor not understanding the brilliance of the piece. Maybe they never get rejected. I am not that writer. I’ve...
Holding onto resentment weighs us down. Let’s commit to letting go. Read more at Adjustment Guidance.
So I woke up feeling really inspired today and creative today. A big part of that inspired creativity was to get organized. I have several creative projects that I need to sort out and, for me, that means buying a new day planner. In the US, buying a new day planner is possible year-round....