While working toward goal achievement, it is important to include days of rest and reflection. Goal achievement does not need to be a grind to be successful. Goals are more likely to be achieved when we can do so with fun and joy in our life. This means that when we are crafting the...
After defining a short-, medium-, and long-term goal, it is time to review and determine if each step of that plan is bulletproof. This is the realty check. It is tempting, and natural, when goal planning to assume that everything will go perfectly. This means that we do not consider potential obstacles (“what if...
Now that we have reflected on what mini goals we have and the benefits they provide to the here and now, it is the perfect time to break down our goal into short-, medium-, and long-term goals. Every long-term goal should have a clear beginning (short term), middle (medium term) and end (goal achievement)....
Building on last week, we are going to explore why we want to achieve the goals we set. Let’s bring forward the questions of last week and really explore our answers. Let’s start by considering: What will our goal give us in the here and now while we are working to achieve it? Goals...
Puzzle Maker: Tenyo (Japan) Title: (no official title given) Micky Mouse Directing Pieces: 1000 Cut: Grid cut Relative difficulty: *** Overall quality: **** Link to purchase: Amazon Japan (note: Some of the stained-glass type seem to get imported, but we couldn’t find this one outside Japan) Review: Tenyo is one of the biggest puzzle-makers...